Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Yup, I havent blogged for quite a while.  So sorry. Life gets in the way.  Wife, Mother and working full time can really F up your social life ya know? 

I would really like to share some of my spectacular recipes on here but it seems I dont have alot of time during the week.  Im sure you are saying  "suck it up bitch and get it done!"  OK, I will try and be better.

Has anyone seen my link on FB called "moms who drink and swear?"  Well if you haven't then you need to because its damn funny!!



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Day, New BlahBlahs

So I havent blogged for a few days.  Here I am. Back.  Let me just blog about my town.  We have NO good and decent restaurants. They mostly suck and mostly there just aren't any!  We have less than a handful in our area.  Also anyone want to buy me a food truck?  Food bike?  Food cart?  I would love to make snax, and deliver them to you.  Wouldn't that be fun?  Well maybe if I save all my pennies I could afford it, but the word SAVE doesnt seem to be in my language.  Just ask TinkerTom, he will agree.

I really need to become brillliant and start my own little catering business, but damn Riverside County doesn't allow you to cook food at home and sell it, damn county!

All for now,


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trying Tuesday

It a week for Rachael Ray Recipes.  I will share after I make them.  I am so excited to try them all!

One is a recipe for this yummy crusty bread salad with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and basil.. YUMMY.

I will keep you posted, but my poor little laptop is still down and I can only blog from work.

Thats all for now peeps.. Email me with any questions, comments or sarcastic remarks!!!!!!!!!! LOL..

Love to all,


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

Hey you all,

I normally have beer on Thursdays, but I sure had alot of beer last weekend at the river, so I am kinda beered out at the moment, wow can you believe I just said that?  So tonight was dinner, Lowe's and home for facewash and jammies, my favorite time of day.

I am looking forward to Friday!  Busy day at office.  I won't bore you with my office gossip, not worth my fingers typing over.  I am really into reading and need a new book.  I tryed to read "the girl with the dragon tattoo"  NO BUENO.  Now I am searching for something else, I swear I could spend hundreds of dollars on books and magazines, I am definitely a magazine whore. 

Breakfast tip:  New whole wheat thin bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon, had one this morning and it was fabulous with a tall glass of OJ, minus the champagne.  Also, hard boiled eggs are a great protein, take no time to cook and are fabulous for breakfast.

Nite and peace out, I'm pooped.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oh AND thank you for everyone who is now a FOLLOWER..

Wacky Wednesday

Hello girls.....I am new to this so bear with me.  I will also be posting ALOT about music on here.  Music is a life saver for me... without it I would be insane.  So no recipes yet, but I will get there.  I had a stay at home day today with Cole so not alot of access to computer today.  We also went to have wings n breadsticks at one of our favorite spots so  therefore not much cooking going on tonight over here.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!  Oh... and my mom got a new baby girl puppy.  Her name so far is : MAYZEE.  She is a shitzu (sp?) and super adorable! 

Tonight Rescue Me is starting in its final season.. Denis Leary is so hot, don't care what anyone thinks but damn something about him!

Also, my all time favorite band Red Hot Chili Peppers has a new single out on July 18th.  What is some of your favorite bands?

That's about all for now.  I am having one of those days where I feel like I have so much to do in so little time.  That sucks huh? 

Food idea for the day:  Scramble some eggs.. fry em up and add some chopped tomatoes and chopped green chiles and sprinkle a little bit of lemon pepper on top... OK can you say scrumptious? That is what I made this morning. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

Let’s talk food… Who doesn’t like food?  Food is the quintessential leader in everyday life.  So why not blog about it?

My head is stuck in food dreams all day.  I love food, love to cook food, talk about food, look at pictures of food and create all kinds of concoctions of my own.  I love to see people smile after they taste their first bite.  I guarantee I can find something in your cupboard and fridge that is just sitting there waiting to be mixed into some colorful yummy assortment of some type of food source. I am not a chef, or a Guy Fieri or some Food Network star.  I am a full-time working mom, wife who loves to eat.  I am overweight although I haven’t always been.  I will not focus on weight loss in my blog, so don’t ask!  If you want to lose weight, eat right and exercise dammit!  I don’t! 

In my blog I will be sarcastic, funny, vulgar and serious all at once oh yea and did I say sarcastic?  So if you cant stomach any of those actions, don’t be on this blog, it’s not for you.  I have a wicked sense of humor, which sometimes involves gross, blatant, verbiage so deal with it J  I am not anyone special or a celebrity, just a girl who likes to cook.  I have a 12 year old and a 24 year old. Both boys. I have a awesome handydandy husband whom I will call TinkerTom, because he loves to tinker with shit.  I love animals and have one dog and one cat.  I can’t have anymore or I will be out in the doghouse and I don’t live on a farm.  I live in a cookie cutter SoCal home in a small town in between San Diego and Los Angeles.  Life is good and that’s about it for now. 

I will help you to help me to help you to make better food for your family if you desire. We can also chat about men, life, mood swings or periods, whatever.  I am pretty much an open book.  So keep the comments coming J