Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Day, New BlahBlahs

So I havent blogged for a few days.  Here I am. Back.  Let me just blog about my town.  We have NO good and decent restaurants. They mostly suck and mostly there just aren't any!  We have less than a handful in our area.  Also anyone want to buy me a food truck?  Food bike?  Food cart?  I would love to make snax, and deliver them to you.  Wouldn't that be fun?  Well maybe if I save all my pennies I could afford it, but the word SAVE doesnt seem to be in my language.  Just ask TinkerTom, he will agree.

I really need to become brillliant and start my own little catering business, but damn Riverside County doesn't allow you to cook food at home and sell it, damn county!

All for now,


1 comment:

  1. I'm tellin ya Dawn .... you and your cousin would have it going ON if the two of you could get a food truck started. Nosh A Licious .... blintzes with different fillings; falafels (the middle eastern taco lol); bubbie's Mandelbrot recipe (which I have all varitions of) - YEP think you'd be a hit :) :)
