Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

Hey you all,

I normally have beer on Thursdays, but I sure had alot of beer last weekend at the river, so I am kinda beered out at the moment, wow can you believe I just said that?  So tonight was dinner, Lowe's and home for facewash and jammies, my favorite time of day.

I am looking forward to Friday!  Busy day at office.  I won't bore you with my office gossip, not worth my fingers typing over.  I am really into reading and need a new book.  I tryed to read "the girl with the dragon tattoo"  NO BUENO.  Now I am searching for something else, I swear I could spend hundreds of dollars on books and magazines, I am definitely a magazine whore. 

Breakfast tip:  New whole wheat thin bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon, had one this morning and it was fabulous with a tall glass of OJ, minus the champagne.  Also, hard boiled eggs are a great protein, take no time to cook and are fabulous for breakfast.

Nite and peace out, I'm pooped.

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