Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

Let’s talk food… Who doesn’t like food?  Food is the quintessential leader in everyday life.  So why not blog about it?

My head is stuck in food dreams all day.  I love food, love to cook food, talk about food, look at pictures of food and create all kinds of concoctions of my own.  I love to see people smile after they taste their first bite.  I guarantee I can find something in your cupboard and fridge that is just sitting there waiting to be mixed into some colorful yummy assortment of some type of food source. I am not a chef, or a Guy Fieri or some Food Network star.  I am a full-time working mom, wife who loves to eat.  I am overweight although I haven’t always been.  I will not focus on weight loss in my blog, so don’t ask!  If you want to lose weight, eat right and exercise dammit!  I don’t! 

In my blog I will be sarcastic, funny, vulgar and serious all at once oh yea and did I say sarcastic?  So if you cant stomach any of those actions, don’t be on this blog, it’s not for you.  I have a wicked sense of humor, which sometimes involves gross, blatant, verbiage so deal with it J  I am not anyone special or a celebrity, just a girl who likes to cook.  I have a 12 year old and a 24 year old. Both boys. I have a awesome handydandy husband whom I will call TinkerTom, because he loves to tinker with shit.  I love animals and have one dog and one cat.  I can’t have anymore or I will be out in the doghouse and I don’t live on a farm.  I live in a cookie cutter SoCal home in a small town in between San Diego and Los Angeles.  Life is good and that’s about it for now. 

I will help you to help me to help you to make better food for your family if you desire. We can also chat about men, life, mood swings or periods, whatever.  I am pretty much an open book.  So keep the comments coming J


  1. Strange I have worked on one for months,but I stopped for awhile..I have the same print as yours..good luck..!

  2. Way to go ... this is going to be an awesome blog !

  3. Yay Dawn! This will be fun :)
